/** @fileOverview Really fast & small implementation of CCM using JS' array buffers
* @author Marco Munizaga
* CTR mode with CBC MAC.
* @namespace
sjcl.arrayBuffer = sjcl.arrayBuffer || {};
//patch arraybuffers if they don't exist
if (typeof(ArrayBuffer) === 'undefined') {
"use strict";
globals.ArrayBuffer = function(){};
globals.DataView = function(){};
sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm = {
mode: "ccm",
defaults: {
tlen:128 //this is M in the NIST paper
/** Encrypt in CCM mode. Meant to return the same exact thing as the bitArray ccm to work as a drop in replacement
* @static
* @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.
* @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.
* @param {bitArray} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.
* @param {Number} [tlen=64] the desired tag length, in bits.
* @return {bitArray} The encrypted data, an array of bytes.
compat_encrypt: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen){
var plaintext_buffer = sjcl.codec.arrayBuffer.fromBits(plaintext, true, 16),
ol = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(plaintext)/8,
tlen = tlen || 64;
adata = adata || [];
encrypted_obj = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm.encrypt(prf, plaintext_buffer, iv, adata, tlen, ol);
ct = sjcl.codec.arrayBuffer.toBits(encrypted_obj.ciphertext_buffer);
ct = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(ct, ol*8);
return sjcl.bitArray.concat(ct, encrypted_obj.tag);
/** Decrypt in CCM mode. Meant to imitate the bitArray ccm
* @static
* @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.
* @param {bitArray} ciphertext The ciphertext data.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.
* @param {bitArray} [adata=[]] adata The authenticated data.
* @param {Number} [tlen=64] tlen the desired tag length, in bits.
* @return {bitArray} The decrypted data.
compat_decrypt: function(prf, ciphertext, iv, adata, tlen){
tlen = tlen || 64;
adata = adata || [];
var L, i,
ol = w.bitLength(ciphertext),
out = w.clamp(ciphertext, ol - tlen),
tag = w.bitSlice(ciphertext, ol - tlen), tag2,
ciphertext_buffer = sjcl.codec.arrayBuffer.fromBits(out, true, 16);
var plaintext_buffer = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm.decrypt(prf, ciphertext_buffer, iv, tag, adata, tlen, (ol-tlen)/8);
return sjcl.bitArray.clamp(sjcl.codec.arrayBuffer.toBits(plaintext_buffer), ol-tlen);
/** Really fast ccm encryption, uses arraybufer and mutates the plaintext buffer
* @static
* @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} plaintext_buffer The plaintext data.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.
* @param {Number} [tlen=128] the desired tag length, in bits.
* @return {ArrayBuffer} The encrypted data, in the same array buffer as the given plaintext, but given back anyways
encrypt: function(prf, plaintext_buffer, iv, adata, tlen, ol){
var auth_blocks, mac, L, w = sjcl.bitArray,
ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8;
//set up defaults
adata = adata || [];
tlen = tlen || sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm.defaults.tlen;
ol = ol || plaintext_buffer.byteLength;
tlen = Math.ceil(tlen/8);
for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}
if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }
iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));
//prf should use a 256 bit key to make precomputation attacks infeasible
mac = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm._computeTag(prf, plaintext_buffer, iv, adata, tlen, ol, L);
//encrypt the plaintext and the mac
//returns the mac since the plaintext will be left encrypted inside the buffer
mac = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm._ctrMode(prf, plaintext_buffer, iv, mac, tlen, L);
//the plaintext_buffer has been modified so it is now the ciphertext_buffer
return {'ciphertext_buffer':plaintext_buffer, 'tag':mac};
/** Really fast ccm decryption, uses arraybufer and mutates the given buffer
* @static
* @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} ciphertext_buffer The Ciphertext data.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.
* @param {bitArray} The authentication tag for the ciphertext
* @param {ArrayBuffer} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.
* @param {Number} [tlen=128] the desired tag length, in bits.
* @return {ArrayBuffer} The decrypted data, in the same array buffer as the given buffer, but given back anyways
decrypt: function(prf, ciphertext_buffer, iv, tag, adata, tlen, ol){
var mac, mac2, i, L, w = sjcl.bitArray,
ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8;
//set up defaults
adata = adata || [];
tlen = tlen || sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm.defaults.tlen;
ol = ol || ciphertext_buffer.byteLength;
tlen = Math.ceil(tlen/8) ;
for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}
if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }
iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));
//prf should use a 256 bit key to make precomputation attacks infeasible
//decrypt the buffer
mac = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm._ctrMode(prf, ciphertext_buffer, iv, tag, tlen, L);
mac2 = sjcl.arrayBuffer.ccm._computeTag(prf, ciphertext_buffer, iv, adata, tlen, ol, L);
//check the tag
if (!sjcl.bitArray.equal(mac, mac2)){
throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt("ccm: tag doesn't match");
return ciphertext_buffer;
/* Compute the (unencrypted) authentication tag, according to the CCM specification
* @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data_buffer The plaintext data in an arraybuffer.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.
* @param {bitArray} adata The authenticated data.
* @param {Number} tlen the desired tag length, in bits.
* @return {bitArray} The tag, but not yet encrypted.
* @private
_computeTag: function(prf, data_buffer, iv, adata, tlen, ol, L){
var i, plaintext, mac, data, data_blocks_size, data_blocks,
w = sjcl.bitArray, tmp, macData;
mac = sjcl.mode.ccm._macAdditionalData(prf, adata, iv, tlen, ol, L);
if (data_buffer.byteLength !== 0) {
data = new DataView(data_buffer);
//set padding bytes to 0
for (i=ol; i< data_buffer.byteLength; i++){
//now to mac the plaintext blocks
for (i=0; i < data.byteLength; i+=16){
mac[0] ^= data.getUint32(i);
mac[1] ^= data.getUint32(i+4);
mac[2] ^= data.getUint32(i+8);
mac[3] ^= data.getUint32(i+12);
mac = prf.encrypt(mac);
return sjcl.bitArray.clamp(mac,tlen*8);
/** CCM CTR mode.
* Encrypt or decrypt data and tag with the prf in CCM-style CTR mode.
* Mutates given array buffer
* @param {Object} prf The PRF.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data_buffer The data to be encrypted or decrypted.
* @param {bitArray} iv The initialization vector.
* @param {bitArray} tag The authentication tag.
* @param {Number} tlen The length of th etag, in bits.
* @return {Object} An object with data and tag, the en/decryption of data and tag values.
* @private
_ctrMode: function(prf, data_buffer, iv, mac, tlen, L){
var data, ctr, word0, word1, word2, word3, keyblock, i, w = sjcl.bitArray, xor = w._xor4, n = data_buffer.byteLength/50, p = n;
ctr = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(16)); //create the first block for the counter
//prf should use a 256 bit key to make precomputation attacks infeasible
// start the ctr
ctr = w.concat([w.partial(8,L-1)],iv).concat([0,0,0]).slice(0,4);
// en/decrypt the tag
mac = w.bitSlice(xor(mac,prf.encrypt(ctr)), 0, tlen*8);
if (ctr[3]===0) ctr[2]++; //increment higher bytes if the lowest 4 bytes are 0
if (data_buffer.byteLength !== 0) {
data = new DataView(data_buffer);
//now lets encrypt the message
for (i=0; i<data.byteLength;i+=16){
if (i > n) {
n += p;
keyblock = prf.encrypt(ctr);
word0 = data.getUint32(i);
word1 = data.getUint32(i+4);
word2 = data.getUint32(i+8);
word3 = data.getUint32(i+12);
data.setUint32(i,word0 ^ keyblock[0]);
data.setUint32(i+4, word1 ^ keyblock[1]);
data.setUint32(i+8, word2 ^ keyblock[2]);
data.setUint32(i+12, word3 ^ keyblock[3]);
if (ctr[3]===0) ctr[2]++; //increment higher bytes if the lowest 4 bytes are 0
//return the mac, the ciphered data is available through the same data_buffer that was given
return mac;